Pushing Back on Pest Pressure in LATAM Agriculture
2024: A Year in Review
Pushing Back on Pest Pressure in LATAM Agriculture
2024: A Year in Review

At Elemental Enzymes, field trials are integral to the research and development process. Teams collaborate across laboratories and test plots to hone the performance of Elemental technologies in a range of conditions from one continent to the next.

Elemental scientists have shared some of their field notes to provide insights about research they are conducting around the world. Keep reading to learn more about results from field trials in the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Australia.


Agronomy Season Recap

We observed a stark difference in early-season field conditions above and below 40 degrees latitude in North America, leading to different planting and early-season growth environments. Planting below 40 degrees latitude was generally on time or early, followed by adequate rainfall for successful crop emergence. Planting above 40 degrees latitude was generally delayed due to excessive rain events. Once planting was completed, environmental conditions allowed for successful crop emergence and early-season growth.

As the U.S. season developed into June and July, growing degree unit (GDU) accumulation was well above average for many of our field trial regions, causing crops to develop rapidly in regions with adequate rainfall. By the end of June, short-term drought conditions developed in northeastern Missouri, central Illinois, and most of Indiana, while temperatures remained high. July rainfall in the U.S. largely removed any short-term drought present in our trial regions during crop reproductive growth stages.

As the Canadian season developed into June, we continued to observe adequate to excessive rainfall in our trial regions with GDU accumulation above average. By the end of July, minimal rainfall was observed in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Manitoba continued to see adequate rainfall.

Stress Mitigation

Overall trial conditions were largely conducive to testing our stress mitigation foliar concepts at the vegetative application timing. We placed the majority of trials testing these concepts in two of the three regions most impacted by early-season drought, allowing us to observe product performance on the drought phenotype for the various crops trialed.

Disease Pressure

The consistent rainfall that occurred above 40 degrees latitude was conducive to late-season disease development in both the U.S. and Canada. These conditions allowed us to test our fungicidal concepts on moderate- to high-disease pressure levels.

Specifically, we observed high Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) symptoms in South Dakota and Manitoba, with grain vomitoxin values returned in the 10-ppm range validating the symptoms in the field (see below).

FHB incidence reduction between Vismax (left) and untreated (right)

We also observed moderate disease development in the U.S., with significant pressure noted for Tar Spot in southern Michigan and northern Indiana. In a trial located in southern Illinois, we observed four different pathogen species within a single trial.

Significant Tar Spot pressure in an Indiana field trial
Corn leaf collected from a site in Carmi, Illinois, showing four foliar diseases
Horticulture Recap

Vismax provided significant suppression of cucumber powdery mildew, culminating in a successful disease trial season across major horticultural crops in the U.S. After months of field testing and collaboration with third-party research partners, the results revealed a significant reduction in mildew incidence and severity, leading to healthier cucumber plants and setting the grower up for a positive return on investment. Note that Vismax technology is sold under the Aura brand name for citrus, horticultural crops, and trees & vines in the U.S.

Soil enzyme products increased yields in almonds and tomatoes for the second year running. This test utilized dripline-applied products in a randomized controlled block design.

The effects of Res+ on the soil microbiome were assessed in collaboration with Biome Makers Inc., using its proprietary BeCrop sampling and analysis. Microbes associated with chlorine transport, inorganic nitrogen consumption, and zinc transport were significantly increased, leading to healthier soil and plants. This increase in soil health led to a significant increase in grapevine yield (14.8%) at two of three sites tested in California.

The success of this field trial season can be attributed to our collaboration with new testing partners, which expanded our reach and insights. By employing novel methodologies for assessment, we gained valuable data that will enhance our ongoing development of Elemental’s products and strengthen our commitment to innovative solutions in horticulture.


As the field season draws to a close in the U.S., planting is just beginning in Brazil. This is an exciting field season for Elemental Enzymes, as we enter the first growing season with a product registered for use in Brazil. In the 2023–24 season, we continued to see promising results on disease control in familiar crops such as wheat, potato, tomato, and citrus. At the same time, we explored crop expansion with promising new data on coffee and rice.

Brazil is the leading rice producer outside of Asia. We saw rice disease control comparable to the industry standard on Rice Blast and Tan Spot field trials, with yield increases of 12–30%. Additionally, we saw 40–80% disease control on Cercospora Leaf Spot and 95% disease control on Coffee Rust. This performance is similar to the industry standard in inoculated greenhouse trials.

This season, we are anticipating exciting trials on soybeans and corn to support future product launches and registration of Elemental products in Brazil.


In 2024, work on Lumen has continued to display gains in fertilizer use efficiency, typically in the range of 15–25%. Lumen treatments have continued to show plant biomass and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) gains. Lumen applications have also shown gains in nutrient acquisition via plant tissue tests, relative to untreated controls and comparative straight fertilizer applications.

Work continues to exhibit that the 16 mL/ha rate delivered at planting in proximity to the seed is highly efficient, although data so far also suggest the 24 mL/ha rate can be further advantageous on soil with higher phosphorus restriction levels and mid-to-lower phosphorus levels in the soil. While not acting directly on potassium and sulfur, this year’s data thus far indicate good gains on these nutrients and micronutrients. Nitrogen and phosphorus also look promising on both wheat and canola.

Where applied so far, Lumen has generally increased key microbial indicators — especially in dry fertilizer impregnation (DFI) and in-furrow (IF) application patterns.

Lumen Delivery Trial in Yelarbon, Queensland
Left to Right: 1) 80% Fertilizer rate; 2) 80% Fertilizer rate + Lumen 24 mL/ha DFI;
3) 80% Fertilizer rate + Lumen 24 mL/ha IF; 4) 80% Fertilizer rate + Lumen mL/ha ST

Res+ trials, like Lumen, are not yet complete or harvested thus far in 2024. However, Res+ has again provided advantages in trafficability of machinery to travel through challenging stubble or crop residue situations. Notable differences in the fragility of residue have been noted in Res+ treatment relative to untreated residue, accounting for the better passage of machinery through stubble. Similar to Lumen, Res+ treatments have provided biomass and NDVI, but especially plant establishment and early vigor gains. This has been most notable in sites which have had year-on-year application of Res+.

Although we are awaiting microbial testing for these sites, these effects suggest good soil health build. Thus far, Res+ has shown a gain in nutrient efficiency, with the majority of sites showing better tissue tests and overall performance relative to the untreated and comparative straight fertilizer treatments.

Res+ Site in Quairading, Western Australia
(Left) 60% Fertilizer; (Right) 60% Fertilizer & Res+ 1.2 L/ha 1mth before sowing

Vismax canola trials have shown the benefits of mixing prothioconazole and Vismax together for the reduction of early Blackleg seedling infection. While present in 2023, plant greening effects from Vismax alone and in combination with prothioconazole have been more notable in canola in 2024. Later-season applications have also given more notable green retention this year.

(Left) Prothioconazole 320 mL/ha 4-6 leaf; (Center) Vismax 300 mL/ha + 0.1% v/v NIS @ 4-6 leaf; (Right) Proviso 320 mL/ha + Vismax 300 mL/ha + 0.1% v/v NIS @ 4-6 leaf

Vismax has shown good utility on both Septoria tritici and Stripe Rust in wheat under moderate to heavy pressure. It has also shown good results in lower disease pressure situations. Similar trials are showing a good effect on Yellow Spot in wheat, although disease pressure in these trial situations is low.

Notably, a well timed prothioconazole + Vismax application regime is giving gains in NDVI, green leaf area retention, disease reduction, and indication of plant health benefits.

Vismax Septoria tritici and Stripe Rust Trial in Buckley, Victoria
(Left) Vismax + NIS @Z21-23 + Z31-32 + Z3; (Right) Competitive Standard + Vismax + Z21-23 + Z31-32 + Z39

Note that all trials are still underway in Australia.

Looking Ahead

From the Americas to Australia, field trials continue to drive the development of vital technology intended to improve farmers’ daily work, bolster their return on investment, and sustainably feed the world. With robust research programs such as these, the Elemental Enzymes team is primed to see what exciting insights they can uncover in 2025!