Florida field team supports citrus industry with research and results

A Peptide Partnership to Mitigate Citrus Greening
Most people think of oranges when they hear the word “citrus.” That’s fair, considering oranges are half the globe’s citrus production. As a world leader in citrus, Brazil grows more than one-third of all oranges.
I was concerned to read in late 2023 that 38% of Brazil’s citrus trees had been infected with the bacterium that causes Citrus Greening. Models predict Brazilian orange production could decrease 12% over the next five years. Here in the States, Florida has lost 90% of its orange production over nearly 20 years to Citrus Greening.
Last year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved federal registration for Elemental Enzymes’ novel peptide-based biopesticide. Our technology is environmentally nontoxic and focuses on stimulating a crop’s immune response. Rather than killing the bacterium or insects that spread the disease, the peptide builds crop defenses to fight the bacteria. Our field trials have shown reduced Citrus Greening symptoms in fruit, as well as a reversal of symptoms in infected trees. This ultimately leads to increased fruit count and poundage.
To share these benefits with another top global producer, we are currently seeking registration of our Citrus Greening technology in Brazil. Our team recently hosted four visitors from Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) in Orlando, Florida. Our goal was to help these administrators gain a deeper understanding of Elemental Enzymes’ technology. We have applied for priority registration of the technology with MAPA, which is similar to EPA approval in the U.S.
The MAPA team shared their perspective on the citrus industry in Brazil, including the lack of alternatives for better management and control of Citrus Greening. The few products approved for registered use are insecticides whose efficacy has waned over time. Brazilian growers are worried about this situation, as well as the potential for Citrus Canker to damage their lime exports to the European Union.
The visit included an inspection of Florida groves housing our Citrus Greening trials, where the Brazilian team observed product performance in combination with other disease management practices. We answered questions on the ease of application, product compatibility with other crop inputs, how the peptide-based technology works, and more about our trial results.
MAPA’s team indicated great satisfaction with our field performance results and the potential of our technology to fight citrus diseases in Brazil. They have asked our Brazil office to forward a request for priority registration to MAPA, where the agency will ask for expedited consideration of the product from the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources and Health Regulatory Agency.
Our goal here at Elemental is always better, safer control over Citrus Greening and other crop diseases, in order to enable more growers to earn a living and produce plenty of available, affordable food for the global population. Connect with me to learn more about how our technology is solving problems for the agricultural industry across the globe.