Science amplified


Healthy plants and soil beget productive outputs

At Elemental Enzymes, everything starts with what nature already gave us. Our scientific curiosity drives
us to find enhanced ways to make nature's processes better. We call this science amplified sustainably.

Meeting your
sustainability goals

Our novel solutions are formulated to work within existing crop
systems. Aligning with nutrient, disease management or preparation
applications, our technologies can amplify existing product benefits,
or simply tag along for added soil and plant health benefits to increase
productivity potential. Because our products are derived from naturally
occurring proteins, peptides, enzymes and biochemistries, our products
will naturally break down after their benefits have been realized.

Meeting your
sustainability goals

Our novel solutions are formulated to work within existing crop
systems. Aligning with nutrient, disease management or preparation
applications, our technologies can amplify existing product benefits,
or simply tag along for added soil and plant health benefits to increase
productivity potential. Because our products are derived from naturally
occurring proteins, peptides, enzymes and biochemistries, our products
will naturally break down after their benefits have been realized.

Meeting your
sustainability goals

Our novel solutions are formulated to work within existing crop systems. Aligning with nutrient, disease management or preparation applications, our technologies can amplify existing product benefits, or simply tag along for added soil and plant health benefits to increase productivity potential. Because our products are derived from naturally occurring proteins, peptides, enzymes and biochemistries, our products will naturally break down after their benefits have been realized.

Solutions, amplified from nature

Our solutions
The building blocks of production success are twofold: plants and soil.
Mitigating and managing disease and stressors is paramount to meeting
productivity goals. Solutions abound to deliver agriculture boosts in the form of
fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and the like. But how do we harness naturally
occurring solutions, enhance them and add the benefit alongside these
everyday practices to truly maximize our soil and plant potential?

Our patented bio-amplifiers work with your technologies to meet everyday
crop-agriculture needs:

• Nutrient efficiency
• Stress mitigation
• Plant growth regulation
• Fungal control

• Insect control
• Nematode control
• Residue management
• Bacterial pathogen control

Our solutions
The building blocks of production success are two-fold: plants and soil. Mitigating and managing disease and stressors is paramount to meeting productivity goals. Solutions abound to deliver agriculture boosts in the form of fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and the like. But how do we harness naturally occurring solutions, enhance them and add the benefit alongside these everyday practices to truly maximize our soil and plant potential?

Our patented bio-amplifiers work with your technologies to meet every day crop-agriculture needs:

• Nutrient efficiency
• Stress mitigation
• Plant growth regulation
• Fungal control
• Insect control
• Nematode control
• Residue management
• Bacterial pathogen control

Our solutions
The building blocks of production success are two-fold: plants and soil.
Mitigating and managing disease and stressors is paramount to meeting productivity goals. Solutions abound to deliver agriculture boosts in the form of fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides and the like. But how do we harness naturally occurring solutions, enhance them and add the benefit alongside these everyday practices to truly maximize our soil and plant potential?

Our patented bio-amplifiers work with your technologies to meet every day crop-agriculture needs:

• Nutrient efficiency
• Stress mitigation
• Plant growth regulation
• Fungal control
• Insect control
• Nematode control
• Residue management
• Bacterial pathogen control

Powering our solutions

The technology inside
Inside every amplifier is a technology agent that makes it work. Harnessing
nature's processes, we have enhanced the basic principles of three naturally
occurring biotechnologies.

The technology inside
Inside every amplifier is a technology agent that makes it work. Harnessing nature's processes, we have enhanced the basic principles of three naturally occurring biotechnologies.

The technology inside
Inside every amplifier is a technology agent that makes it work. Harnessing nature's processes, we have enhanced the basic principles of three naturally occurring biotechnologies.